User-agent: * ## Default Magento Disallow: /index.php/ Disallow: /app/ Disallow: /lib/ Disallow: /pkginfo/ Disallow: /report/ Disallow: /var/ ## Do not crawl development files and folders: CVS, svn directories and dump files Disallow: /*.sh Disallow: /*.CVS Disallow: /*.Zip$ Disallow: /*.Svn$ Disallow: /*.Idea$ Disallow: /*.Sql$ Disallow: /*.Tgz$ ## Do not crawl common Magento files Disallow: /LICENSE.txt Disallow: /LICENSE_AFL.txt User-agent: * ## Default Magento Disallow: /index.php/ Disallow: /app/ Disallow: /lib/ Disallow: /pkginfo/ Disallow: /report/ Disallow: /var/ Disallow: /bin/ Disallow: /dev/ Disallow: /phpserver/ Disallow: /pub/ ## Do not crawl development files and folders: CVS, svn directories and dump files Disallow: /*.sh Disallow: /*.CVS Disallow: /*.Zip$ Disallow: /*.Svn$ Disallow: /*.Idea$ Disallow: /*.Sql$ Disallow: /*.Tgz$ ## Do not crawl common Magento files Disallow: /LICENSE.txt Disallow: /LICENSE_AFL.txt Disallow: /COPYING.txt Disallow: /composer.json Disallow: /composer.lock Disallow: /nginx.conf.sample Disallow: /Gruntfile.js.sample ## Do not crawl checkout and user account pages Disallow: /newsletter/ Disallow: /poll/ Disallow: /review/ Disallow: /sendfriend/ Disallow: /tag/ Disallow: /wishlist/ User-agent: * ## Default Magento Disallow: /index.php/ Disallow: /app/ Disallow: /lib/ Disallow: /pkginfo/ Disallow: /report/ Disallow: /var/ Disallow: /bin/ Disallow: /dev/ Disallow: /phpserver/ Disallow: /pub/ ## Do not crawl development files and folders: CVS, svn directories and dump files Disallow: /*.sh Disallow: /*.CVS Disallow: /*.Zip$ Disallow: /*.Svn$ Disallow: /*.Idea$ Disallow: /*.Sql$ Disallow: /*.Tgz$ ## Do not crawl common Magento files Disallow: /LICENSE.txt Disallow: /LICENSE_AFL.txt Disallow: /COPYING.txt Disallow: /composer.json Disallow: /composer.lock Disallow: /nginx.conf.sample Disallow: /Gruntfile.js.sample ## Do not crawl checkout and user account pages Disallow: /newsletter/ Disallow: /poll/ Disallow: /review/ Disallow: /sendfriend/ Disallow: /tag/ Disallow: /wishlist/ Disallow: /customize/ Disallow: /contacts/ Disallow: /control/ Disallow: /checkout/ Disallow: /onestepcheckout/ Disallow: /customer/ Disallow: /customer/account/ Disallow: /customer/account/login/ Disallow: /customer/account ## Do not crawl links with session IDs Disallow: /*.php$ Disallow: /*SID= ## Do not crawl sub category pages that are sorted or filtered. Disallow: /*?b2b_only= Disallow: /*?product_list_order= Disallow: /*?product_list_limit= Disallow: /*?q= Disallow: /*?price= Disallow: /*?formato= Disallow: /*?dir* Disallow: /*?dir=desc Disallow: /*?dir=asc Disallow: /*?limit=all Disallow: /*?mode* ## Do not crawl seach pages and not-SEO optimized catalog links Disallow: /catalog/ Disallow: /catalogsearch/ Disallow: /catalogsearch/result/ Disallow: /catalog/product_compare/ Disallow: /catalog/category/view/ Disallow: /catalog/product/view/ Sitemap: Sitemap: